Interior ceiling being painted by Sound Painting Solutions

How To Choose a Painting Contractor in 2024

In Homeowner Tips by Rylee MuirLeave a Comment

Sound Painting Solutions, a Seattle painting contractor, preparing a job site.

The process of selecting a painting contractor has changed over the years, leaving even the most experienced homeowners with new challenges. The selection process is being shaped by the evolution of technology, shifting consumer expectations, and a heightened focus on transparency and professionalism. In this blog we will go over a few things to look out for when selecting a painting contractor in 2024.

Digital Presence and Technology

Digital presence and online reviews have become increasingly more important for contractors. In the past, word of mouth and local advertisements were primary sources for assessing a contractor’s reputation. Today, the digital era is at the forefront. You can complete a simple Google search to find out how this company communicates with customers and what their past clients have to say about their work. Having the ability to observe how companies operate within your community is a valuable asset.

Advancements in technology have revolutionized the way homeowners and contractors collaborate on projects. Contractors have access to a range of programs designed to streamline scheduling, aid in color selection, and enhance communication. It is at their discretion to take advantage of the benefits offered by these tools. Keep an eye out on their workflow and efficiency early on, it serves as a key indicator of their use of new technology and implementing streamlined processes.

Virtual Quotes

The global events of the past few years have accelerated the adoption of remote work and collaboration. Many painting contractors have adapted by offering virtual consultations and remote quoting services. This is a great option for smaller projects. It is important to keep in mind that while convenient, virtual quotes might not be available in all cases. Sometimes the scope of work is not able to be accurately defined without having an estimator view the project in person. Consider being cautious of accepting virtual quotes for large projects.


Another change has been an emphasis on sustainability. Modern homeowners are increasingly environmentally conscious, and how contractors respond to this demand says a lot. The availability of eco-friendly paints, sustainable practices, and adherence to green building standards are all things to consider when choosing who you work with. Contractors that prioritize sustainability align with the evolving values of today’s homeowners. This information can often be found on contractors websites or by reaching out and asking about their commitment to sustainability.

In conclusion, choosing the right painting contractor in 2024 involves embracing the evolution of industry practices. By considering the impact of digital presence, technology, sustainability, transparent communication, and remote collaboration, homeowners can make informed decisions that align with the contemporary landscape of the painting industry. As you embark on choosing the right painting contractor for your project, keep these changes in mind to ensure a successful experience. Happy painting!

To schedule a free painting or carpentry quote with Sound Painting Solutions, click here!


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